
Are you a Community Resident? Interested in getting more involved? 

Download our form to mail in with your check: AHCA Membership Form

AHCA Membership Form

Join the Aspen Hill Civic Association

The Civic Association is a voluntary body, which aims to represent and inform the community about local civic affairs. Dues are just $12 per year, collected for a membership year running from October 1 to September 30. To join, please fill out the membership form linked above.

Why Join? 

The AHCA is a voluntary association, funded by membership dues, that sponsors and participates in many community and local programs; and also represents our community to County Government and various groups. Additionally, the Civic Association: 

We need your support to help sustain these community services. 

Membership Eligibility

According to the AHCA Bylaws: 

Voting Member: Any adult residing in or owning residential property within the boundary of the Association, upon payment of annual dues. 

Associate Member: Any adult residing outside of and not owning residential property within the aforementioned boundary, but paying the annual membership dues. Associate members may not vote on Corporation business or serve on the Board of Directors.

Already a member?   Interested in getting more involved? 

AHCA Paid Member & Associate Member Interest Form

If you are current on your membership dues, but you are not receiving emails from the AHCA, complete the contact correction form below: 

AHCA Paid Member & Associate Member Roster Corrections Form